Coldspring Garden Club
The objectives of the Coldspring Garden Club shall be to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs; to aid in the protection of native trees, plants and birds; and to encourage civic planting.
We welcome visitors to browse our website often. We share members garden photos, articles on gardening, and other useful information that we hope will help you in your pursuit of a beautiful garden.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 6, 1:30 p.m. at the Coldspring Community Center (101 E. Cedar Avenue, Coldspring). The program will be "Dancing Bees." The hostesses are Wanda and Eleanor - if you would like to help, please reply to
February is Heart Health Month, so wear red if you can. We are also asking members to bring "Love Gifts" (travel size toiletries) for Heaven's Army in Shepherd.
A fundraiser meeting was held January 23rd with 11 members attending. The group discussed plans for the fundraiser sale to be held April 26th on the Courthouse Square. Sale items will include: plants; DIY items; bake sale; "Make and Take" for the kids; and new garden items. The garden items were so popular that the committee decided to offer a few of them to our members at the February meeting. You will get to Early Bird shop and we will get feedback about the items, which will help us to determine items for the April fundraiser. At the bottom of this email is a list of the items for sale. A sample picture of two of the items is attached. Compare our prices to the Amazon prices! If you would like to make a purchase be sure to bring cash or a check. Also, we need extra black pots (any size) for plants; jewelry for decorating pots; and beads and glassware for yard art, especially tinted or colored glass. If you have any of these items, bring them on Thursday.
As always, all members are welcome to meet for lunch at the Coldspring Senior Center (60 Butler Street, Coldspring) before the meeting. Please call the Senior Center at 936-653-4175 before Thursday to make a reservation. The cost is $5 (donation). Serving time begins at noon.
If you have anything you would like to discuss at the meeting, please contact President Rhonda Sherling and she will add it to the agenda. If you have any questions, please let me know. We look forward to seeing you Thursday, February 6th.
Kathy Preston
Coldspring Garden Club
Corresponding Secretary