This organization shall be known as the Coldspring Garden Club.
The objectives of this Club shall be to promote an interest in gardening, to encourage civic improvement, and to protect wildflowers and native plants.
The officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and Treasurer.
The President shall preside at all meetings and shall appoint all Committee Chairpersons.
The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall be Chairperson of the Program Committee. All program changes and updates shall be communicated to the Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and the Telephone Chairperson.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the Club.
The CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY is responsible for communications to all members. This includes written and verbal communications via email, mail, paper and telephone as necessary. The purpose of this role is to ensure all members are kept informed of organizational activities as well as other activities of possible interest to members. The Correspondence Secretary shall coordinate with the Chairpersons of the Telephone and Pink Rose Committees.
The Treasurer shall receive and disperse all funds of the Club and keep accurate records of all transactions. A monthly report will be given at Club meeting of all expenses and income.
The Executive Board shall consist of the above Officers of the Club. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President. The immediate Past President shall be an advisor to the Executive Board. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to look after any business arising between meetings of the Club.
The President shall name a Nominating Committee of three to nominate a slate of officers. The committee shall be appointed in January and report in March at which time any member may make a nomination from the floor. The officers shall be elected at the regular meeting in April. The term of office shall be one year. The year shall begin at the close of the annual May meeting. No officer can succeed herself / himself more than once.
Membership shall be unlimited. Membership shall be granted to anyone interested in the objectives of the Coldspring Garden Club and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its by-laws, and may become a member upon payment of dues hereinafter provided. The privilege of holding office, introducing motions, debating and voting shall be limited to members of the Club whose dues are current. Review and confirm paid members with the Treasurer to keep list current.
Dues of members shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00) for an individual or Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for Husband and Wife annually, due on or before August 1st. If a member joins on March 1st or thereafter, her/his dues shall be applied to the next year.
A budget shall be established that puts forth the policies and goals of the Club in a fiscal form. The Club budget is an estimate, initiated after the last fundraiser in April, completed by the Executive Board, and ready for approval by the Club members at the May meeting. Input is expected from the various standing committee chairs. The budget will be a reasonable expectation of the amount of expenses the Club shall incur during the coming year and the amount of income required to offset the expenses. The Treasurer will give a financial report each Club meeting showing the income and expenses and any changes in reserves. (Adopted September 2011)
The Club shall meet at time announced by President on the first Thursday of each month or as otherwise notified, except June, July and August. At any regularly scheduled or properly called meeting a quorum shall constitute those members present.
The annual Board meeting shall be held in June/July. At the planning meeting for the new year, Officer and Chairperson Roles and Responsibilities will be reviewed and discussed.
There shall be the following standing committees. And the duties and responsibilities of the Standing Committees shall be:
CIVIC: Cooperate with other civic organizations and be responsible for planning and implementing special projects.
COMMUNITY CENTER ASSOCIATION: Two representatives from the Club shall serve as Board Members of the Coldspring Community Center.
FUNDRAISING: The purpose of the fundraising committee is to raise additional funds for the Club to defray any extra expenses the Club may incur, and/or to be able to pledge additional monies to groups in need of funds.
GREETER: Responsible for setting up table with sign-in sheets and name tags. Greet and identify members / guests. Sign-in sheet to be given to the Secretary after each meeting. The Greeter shall distribute and collect name tags for members and guests and distribute hand-outs during the meeting. Also, organize and distribute the door prize(s) provided by the host/hostesses.
HISTORIAN: Responsible for taking photographs of speakers, host/hostesses, field trips and members. Create and maintain a digital scrapbook.
HOSPITALITY: Responsible for the keys to open the building and cabinets for the hostesses. Be familiar with A/C, heating system and rules and procedures of the Community Center. Purchase all paper goods (plates, hot and cold cups and napkins, utensils, coffee, sugar, creamer and sweetener). Assign hostesses for the year by providing a signup sheet at the March, April & May meetings. Give a copy of this list to the Yearbook Chairman. Welcome new members and place them on the hostess sheet where needed or month of their choice. Call 2 weeks before meeting to remind Chairman of hostess duties. Offer any assistance needed to the Chairman. Thank Chairman and Hostesses each meeting and announce hostesses for the next month. Announce any special dinners (Christmas, Luau), the time and that they are to bring a covered dish for these meals.
HOSTESS DUTIES: Expenses should be split equally among hostesses for refreshments, decorations and door prizes. Hostesses decide on the theme for the month and the decorations used, if any. Paper goods, utensils and coffee are furnished by the club unless you desire something special. If you wish to use other than what is provided by the club, you must furnish it (i.e. ice, drinks) yourself. You may obtain the keys to the Community Center and the cabinets from the Hospitality Chairman or arrange for them to open the building and cabinets for you at a specific time. Before leaving the building, make sure all cabinets are locked, A/C or heater thermostats are turned off, and the building is locked. Hostesses are responsible for setting up and putting back the chairs and tables, if needed, against the walls at end of meeting. White tables should be left standing against the wall; brown tables should be placed in the storage room. All chairs are to be stacked (not more than 6 per stack) against the wall. Hostesses must vacuum rugs and clean kitchen floor as needed. Vacuum and mop are in storage room. Hostesses must take trash from kitchen and bathrooms with them to dispose of since the Community Center does not have trash pick-up. Two bags for the kitchen trash can and the bathroom trash cans are provided by the Community Center.
MEMBERSHIP: Work closely with the Treasurer. Provide all checks to the Treasurer so checks can be properly deposited as soon as possible. Members should make checks payable to Coldspring Garden Club. Checks can be given to the Membership Chairman or mailed to: Coldspring Garden Club, P O Box 1465, Coldspring, TX 77331. Membership Chairman shall collect names, addresses, phone numbers, email address and dues from members in March through July. Several attempts may be needed to contact members during the summer month for payment of dues. Make a list of new and current paid members and provide to the President, Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, Treasurer, Telephone Committee, Hospitality Chairman. The new list for the upcoming year should be given to the Yearbook Chairman at the annual Board Meeting in July. As new members join, all pertinent information should be given to Hospitality, Correspondence Secretary, Telephone and Yearbook Chairpersons. When new members join, introduce them at a meeting. Keep an up-to-date email list and notify members of pertinent information (i.e. plant sales, workshops, gardening presentations) throughout the year.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Advise the President and give rulings in Parliamentary Law. Robert’s Rules of Order Revised (current edition) shall be the governing authority of the Club when not in conflict with these bylaws.
PINK ROSE: The Pink Rose Committee will be responsible to send out congratulations, get well, sympathy, and other social type correspondence to Garden Club members and their families. The Correspondence Secretary will coordinate with the Chairperson of this Committee to keep membership informed.
ANNUAL FUNDRAISERS: The annual spring fundraiser will be held on the fourth Saturday of April in conjunction with the Coldspring Trade Days. The fundraiser committee will be responsible for promotion, advertising, and all the set up and take down of tables, decorations, etc.
PROGRAMS / SPEAKERS: (This is Vice President’s role.) Arrange speakers for each meeting September through May. Arrange field trips. Program and field trip information must be given to Yearbook Chairman by August 1st.
PUBLICITY: Responsible for news articles of Club activities and monthly meetings in newspaper, etc. Also submit news articles for any fundraising projects or other special projects.
TELEPHONE: The telephone committee is to contact members without internet/email access to remind them of all meetings. Put new members on the telephone list if they do not have internet/email access.
The Correspondence Secretary will coordinate with the Chairperson of this Committee to keep membership informed.
WEBSITE: Develops and maintains the Club website. Webmaster shall work with President and Board of Directors to determine relevant information for the website and will keep information on the website current and interesting. Webmaster promotes the website through all available means.
YEARBOOK: Gather all pertinent data for the Yearbook during June through July. Yearbooks are to be ready for distribution at the September meeting. After all revisions are made, ask for assistance in proof-reading before printing. During the year when new members join, distribute updated information to all members. Provide yearbook to all new members.
The By-Laws may be amended by approval from three-quarters majority of the Executive Board with additional approval by a simple majority of the membership. Simple majority will be 51% of all members present. The By-Laws Chairperson shall submit the proposed amendment to a regularly scheduled or a properly called meeting of the membership. The following meeting, the membership shall vote on the proposed amendment.
Coldspring Garden Club